The Umbrella -
Andrew Nagen - 09/04/1950 - 08/26/2005
We have said good-bye to our dear friend, Andrew.
He gave Robert the drawing, The Umbrella - shown here -
Robert felt it spoke to him at the exhibit at artspace - he felt that it was his role, he was the Umbrella. We have had the drawing for a few weeks - here is the
photo I took of it.
We loved him and he loved us.
i am a warrior
i am not at war
i am seeking peace.
i work for peace.
peace for us all.
peace for myself.
my struggles are your struggles.
my success is yours also.
i am a warrior.
the opponent is unseen.
i am a warrior.
the victory is not celebrated,
but felt.
the battles are bloodless
and brutal.
i am a warrior.
honor is my currency
and merchandise.
you are a warrior too.
your work is defined.
you proceed each day
until the sun drains you
and the moon cools you.
we all work together
as the best warriors do.
there is no war,
there is only living.
suit up!
time is passing. Andrew Nagen