Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Recent Distractions
Here's a website I've been perusing, with amazement
and laughter : Don't miss this! - Link -
Thanks to bOing-bOing.net, this is an actual
Scientology recruitment manual from 1976 -
It's a shag-carpet-era hilarious staged collection
of Scientology's best....
...this 1970s-era Church of Scientology picturebook,
laughably written and lavishly illustrated with photos
of loinclothed enlightened souls who look suspiciously
like Jim Morrison....

Also, I've been enjoying the music of the Moylan Sisters,
two talented little girls who sang on the radio back in the '30s
and '40s.
When they made their network debut in 1939, they were 5 and 7 years old.
Listen to their recordings!

In case we forget about the accomplishments of our El Presidente,
check out his resume,as posted on michaelw.net's blog...

Another amazing site which must be seen is the SARS digital art project---

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