Watching birds in the winter on the Rio Grande is one of my favorite pastimes.
We have sandhill cranes, mallards, blue heron and geese down there just hanging out.
Once a man asked me if it was legal to shoot a fat Canada goose for supper. I told him no, I didn't think so.
I am reminded of those " Lessons Learned from Geese": Community – Cooperation – Common direction – Uplift those who follow – Honk encouragement – Accept help, Give help to others -
-Get back in line
…Keep to the Left (…just kidding)
I am honored to be a Guest Writer on the collaborative blog, with a piece called "What's Happening to the Bosque?" -- my personal experience on encountering the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fuel load reduction project, which is cleaning out underbrush and inevitably destroying habitat in the Corrales Bosque Preserve. Check out the project scope here, if you are interested.
The post is on redRavine February 20 2009
The article is also published without photographs in the Corrales Comment as part of an issue about this situation. Please comment here, if you like - that would be appreciated. Thanks.